By clearing the Namibian encroacher bush we can make food and materials and protect wildlife.
Truly sustainable
Materials from Waste
BioHab’s main structure is made from the waste of mushroom cultivation, which is made from the unwanted part of the encroacher bush. While the mushrooms are growing their mycelia or root structures are binding the ground up particles of the encroacher bush which makes a strong composite material.
Multi-functional materials
BioHab’s materials are multi-functional. They can be used structurally, for insulation, for fire-resistance, and sound attenuation. They must be protected from the elements (like timber framing) because they are made to be biodegradable. The compression strength of the materials can exceed 39MPa.
New Forms
One day this may be a grow in place process which would allow any form the mycotech can imagine, including forms that come from curvilinear inflated structures. Domes, double-curved membrane forms, catenary arches; any forms from vernacular to contemporary.